Monday, December 1, 2008

Have you heard of Kiva?

I hadn't until I read about it on some blog- I honestly forget which one now.

Kiva works with groups in lower economic countries. Specifically, Kiva works with individuals who have their own business and who need some financial assistance to get things up and running or to make improvements.

I read the story of a Tanzanian woman who makes cereal and needs money to buy more raw materials. Since her country doesn't view her as an equal citizen, she can't get a loan. So she works with Kiva and a financial lending partner. People can log in and sponsor her by loaning $25 (or more).

The individual pays back the money. And the lender can then loan that money to someone else.

The lending partners that are in these communities not only pass the money on to the entrepreneur, they also provide education, support, business advice, etc.

So it is money, education, empowerment.

Check it out!

And you can read more about Kiva here.

I'm in the process of reading through the loan applicants and will be selecting someone. $25 is manageable in my holiday budget.

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